First Column
Column Opening: Urbanization in Emerging Countries and Role of Japan
日本工営株式会社 開発計画部 部長
Kuniomi HIRANO
General Manager,
Urban Development Department, Nippon Koei Co., Ltd


写真1: ベトナム・ハノイの都市開発(住宅開発大手VinhomesによるOcean City開発事業)

写真2: バングラデシュ・ダッカのMRT6号線の車内(2022年に一部区間で先行開業、川崎重工業製車両)
We are thrilled to announce that our CPIJ committee will be featuring a regular column on our website. With a focus on both "Overseas" and "Cities", our committee emphasizes the importance of "cooperation between Industry-Academia-Government" in overseas urban development, I would like to introduce firstly as an industrial sector and the initiative of my organization. Nippon Koei Co., Ltd is a general construction consultant that have been involved in numerous projects in Japan and overseas, and is passionate about overseas spirit, which started with a dam power generation development project on the Korean Peninsula in the old days. Within Nippon Koei Co., Ltd, Urban Development Department is a department specializing in urban planning, industrial development, and architectural design, with a focus on developing countries and our department is comprised of about 50 consultants. Every member of our department shares a passion for international affairs, and we all have big dreams of making a difference in the global community using our unique skills.
Our department is comprised of vibrant and energetic individuals, each eager to contribute their talents to our shared goals. Our department members regularly travel or dispatch to various regions including South-East-Asia, South Asia and East Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. Despite geographical distances, our monthly departmental meetings seamlessly bring together online and hybrid members from across the globe. In the face of challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we encountered initial difficulties in managing our overseas operations. However, we are pleased to report that those obstacles have now been overcome.
Nowadays, globalization is advancing rapidly, and Japan, being an island nation, faces challenges that resonate with the international community. As of 2022, the global population has surpassed 8 billion. Projections indicate that this number will continue to rise, eventually reaching a peak of just over 10 billion. In addition to population growth, there is a significant migration from rural to urban areas, leading to a continuous rise in the urban population ratio. Projections suggest that by 2050, two-thirds of the global population will reside in cities. Moreover, cities are expected to expand in size, with the emergence of megacities. As a result, the world's cities are poised to encounter ongoing challenges, necessitating innovative solutions to overcome them in the future. The economies of both countries are forecasted to expand, with Japan eventually being surpassed by India in terms of GDP. Additionally, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Bangladesh are experiencing substantial population growth. Driven by these nations, Asia will become the focal point of the international community, both in terms of a large population and significant economic activity. In light of these developments, it is crucial to contemplate the role that Japan, as an integral part of Asia, should undertake in the international community.
I recently visited Mumbai (India), Dhaka (Bangladesh) and Ho Chi Minh City/Hanoi (Vietnam) on business. These bustling cities vividly demonstrated the dynamics mentioned earlier. What struck me first was the remarkable improvement in urban amenities and living standards compared to previous years. Additionally, in response to the escalating traffic congestion, there is a noticeable trend of rapidly developing public transportation systems, such as MRT lines, being constructed one after another. Regarding the first point, I was greatly impressed by the significant increase in skyscrapers compared to 10 years ago in Hanoi, Vietnam. Inland Hanoi has even been extended to the coast [photo 1]. In the future, as these developing countries catch up to global and the middle-income class expands, it is likely that each country will adopt similar lifestyles. However, upon closer inspection, there are many unused housing units in luxurious apartments, possibly due to speculation, while impoverished areas remain neglected within the cities and this domestic disparity poses a major issue. Regarding the second point, Japan continues to provide assistance through ODA for the development of MRT systems in these cities. The MRT Line 6 has been inaugurated in Dhaka, and the opening of MRT Line 1 in Ho Chi Minh City is imminent [photo2]. Generally, railways are perceived as transportation for the poor in these countries, likely influenced by the low quality of existing vehicles and services. With Japan's support, providing comfortable railway services and vehicles could bring about a transformation in people's lifestyles, leading to further surprises in the next 10 years (e.g. reduced traffic congestion). Furthermore, I believe that the enhancement of public transportation services and transport-oriented development is one of Japan's strengths that can be demonstrated on the international stage. I am confident that Japan can contribute to other significant global challenges such as aging societies and climate change.
Moving forward, our CPIT committee will continue to publish columns on a regular basis. These columns will feature soft content written by individuals from various fields of industry, government, and academia, each bringing different perspectives and expertise.
We encourage you to visit our website regularly to read these columns.
Thank you.